Search results for: , Pilates
Lie face up on a mat with legs extended toward ceiling at 90 degree angle and ball between your feet (the center of the ball touching your ankle bones). If your hamstrings are...
Lie face down with pelvis and ribcage on ball, palms touching floor and legs extended straight, feet in air. Inhale with two short, pulsing breaths as you bend both legs,...
Lie face up on mat, legs bent to 90 degrees, soles of feet on ball. Extend arms to ceiling, hands aligned over shoulders. Inhale in this position. Exhale, extending legs until...
In a sitting position with legs bent, lean back with arms outstretched behind you. Place a Swiss Exercise Ball between lower legs. Inhale, maintain neutral and lift your feet...
Assume a push-up position with hands shoulder-width apart on Swiss Exercise Ball and feet on floor. Inhale as you lift your right foot off floor and extend leg. Maintain neutral...
Assume a push-up position with hands shoulder-width apart on floor and shins on Swiss Exercise Ball. Inhale as you lift your right foot off ball and extend your leg. Maintain...
Lie face up on a mat with legs extended and Swiss Exercise Ball between your feet (the center of the ball touching your ankle bones). Keep your arms extended by your sides on...
Sit upright on Swiss Exercise Ball in a neutral position, arms extended to your sides at shoulder height, legs extended in front of you, heels on floor. Inhale. Exhale, rotating...
Lie face up with soles of feet on Swiss Exercise Ball, legs bent 90 degrees. Inhale in neutral position and lift hips in air, still maintaining neutral. Place hands on low back...
Assume a push-up position with Swiss Exercise Ball under pelvis, legs extended, feet off the floor. Inhale as you lift right leg toward ceiling. Maintain extension in spine and...