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Lie face up with soles of feet on Swiss Exercise Ball, legs bent 90 degrees. Inhale in neutral position and lift hips in air, still maintaining neutral. Place hands on low back...
Begin with both feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent. Maintain a long, neutral spine, abdominal pulled in through the navel. Arms start extended down to the side. Keeping...
Hold TheraGear® Physio Toner behind your back. Grasp the handle and straighten the arm over your head The left arm is extended down with the hand by the hip.
Start from a ball bridge position, body weight centralized to the top of the shoulder blades while the hips shoulders and knees are maintained in parallel alignment. Keep the...
Lie on right side with Swiss Exercise Ball under right hip and right side of rib cage. Cross feet so left foot is in front of right foot for balance, or anchor both feet against...
Lie on side with body aligned and SiFit under waist. Place top hand on hip. Inhale. With bottom leg slightly bent and resting on floor, exhale and extend top leg forward until...
Stand on the pad with one foot. Extend your free leg to the side as far as possible and hold for 10 seconds. Return to start position. Repeat with the other leg.
1. Lie down on your side and hold the ball between your ankles 2. Support your head with your arm 3. Place the other arm straight in front of you for support 4. Slowly...