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Sit in neutral on Swiss Exercise Ball, hands touching sides of ball. Lift shoulders toward ears and turn head to right shoulder. Place left hand behind head. Remain in that...
Sit on Swiss Exercise Ball with legs bent, knees over ankles. Place hands on hips. With control, use the abdominals to move the pelvis forward and backward. Imagine rolling your...
Face partner, each of you sitting on a Swiss Exercise Ball. Toss medicine ball back and forth at chest height. Keep both feet on floor or lift one foot. For a very advanced...
Sit in neutral on Swiss Exercise Ball with shoulders relaxed. Place right palm on right thigh and left hand on side of ball, fingertips pointing to floor. Tilt head to right,...
Start by sitting on the Swiss Exercise Ball, knees and feet hip-width apart, back is neutral and the spine and posture are straight. Inhale pull the navel into the spine; exhale...