Yoga: Cow face

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Cow face
Begin in a sitting position place the left heel beside the right hip and the right leg over top of the left knee. The right foot is by the left hip. Stack the knees on top of one another. Both sitting bones down on the floor extend the spine and work the crown towards the sky. Interlock the fingers and place the palms on top of the right thigh gently pushing down towards the floor. Breath here for 5 to 10 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side. Once the hips have become open, inhale and reach the right arm up towards the sky, bend the right elbow. Now place the left hand behind the back and either interlock the fingers or use a strap. Lift the right elbow up towards the sky and roll the left shoulder back and down opening the shoulder joint. Inhale and lengthen the spine, exhale slowly move the chest over top of the thigh and move the chin over top of the knee. Relax the head down, keep the elbows moving away from one another. Stay in the pose for 5 to 15 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Side Note:
Increases the flexibility, mobility and circulation of the ankles, knees, hips. Increases the flexibility deeply in the hip area, which helps to release any lower back tension. Improves digestion and elimination. Stretches internal and external rotator cuff, triceps and shoulders.