Yoga: (Alternate) Supine abductor stretch with strap

Exercise Description:
Yoga: (Alternate) Supine abductor stretch with strap
Begin by lying flat on the floor legs extended. Place the strap to the insole of the right foot. Inhale and lift the leg up towards the sky coming into the supine one leg hamstring stretch. Flex the foot, contract the quadricep muscles and exhale slowly allow the right leg to extend over to the left side holding the strap in the left hand. If this is too much of a stretch and you need to support the leg, place one or two bricks underneath the right calf. Keep the right shoulder, arm and hand connected to the floor. Keep the right leg straight and lined with the hip. Look to the right and keep the right foot flexed.
Side Note:
Deeply stretches the hip, hamstring, calf, lower back, shoulder and chest. Opens the musculature around the iliotibial band. Helps to relieve knee pain and back pain. Massages the internal organs. Tones the musculature in the spine.