Yoga: Boat with strap

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Boat with strap
Begin in a seated position with legs extended forward. Place the strap around the arches of the feet gripping on with both hands. Wrap the strap around the hands once or twice, contract the abdominals, lift the pelvic floor muscles and inhale slowly with straight legs lift the legs up towards the sky. To keep the alignment of the spine and legs, you can insert a foam block between the knees. Don't allow the lower back, middle or upper spine to round. Flex the feet and shift the weight to the posterior ischium tuberosity/sitting bones. Keep the chest bone lifted, the shoulders down. Maintain this pose for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Side Note:
Deeply strengthens the abdominals, lower back and internal organs. Increases the strength and flexibility of the legs, shoulders, lower back, abdominals. Increases the flexibility of the hamstrings and calves. Calms the mind and energizes the body. Increases blood circulation.