Yoga: Bow

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Bow
Begin by lying on the stomach on the floor facing down. Bend the knees inhale and lift the chest and the legs up towards the sky. Press the stomach into the floor, rotate the shoulders back and down and look forward. Now grab onto the tops of the feet pressing the legs up towards the sky at the same time, lifting the chest towards the sky. Either look straight ahead or look up. Legs are hip-width apart big toes are touching. Drop the shoulders away from the ears and breath smoothly here. Relax the buttocks and the lower back. Either hold this pose or rock forwards and back for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Side Note:
Massages and tones the internal organs. Strengthens the spine. Helps to improve the posture specifically rounded shoulder syndrome. Aids in digestion. Energizes the body. Relieves abdominal cramps. Regulates menstrual flow. Increases lung capacity. Increases the suppleness of the shoulders, back and ankles.