Yoga: Beginning standing wide leg stretch

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Beginning standing wide leg stretch
Begin by standing in Tadasana mountain pose. Inhale and jump the feet wider than hip-width, facing the toes inward and the heels outward. Place the hands onto the hips and exhale, slowly lower down bending from the hips maintaining a neutral and straight spine. Do not allow the lower back, middle back or upper spine to round. Push evenly down through the feet, lift the tailbone towards the sky and keep working the chest forward with the abdominals lifted. Lift the kneecaps, push down evenly through all four corners of the feet and lengthen the spine while the crown and tailbone move in opposite directions.
Side Note:
Increases the flexibility of the hamstrings, abductors, groin musculature. Strengthens the abdominals, lower back, erector spinae, ankles, legs and hips.