Yoga: Beginner standing wide leg forward fold with blocks

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Beginner standing wide leg forward fold with blocks
Place the feet wide apart, big toes facing in, heels gently turning out. Lift the toes and spread the toes wide on the floor, lift the kneecaps up to contract the quadricep muscles and lift the tailbone up towards the sky. Place the hands on the blocks, tuck the chin in to lengthen the cervical vertebra. Keep a straight spine and gently work the feet down towards the floor as the tailbone lifts towards the sky. Maintain this pose for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Side Note:
Increases the flexibility of the abductors, groin and hamstring muscles. Alleviates lower-back pain. Tones the legs and strengthens the ankles. Calms the mind and increases the blood circulation to the lower legs and spine. Helps to increase the energy in the second chakra.