Yoga: Beginner standing wide leg stretch

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Beginner standing wide leg stretch
Begin by standing in mountain pose Tadasana, inhale and softly jump the feet wide apart. Turn the big toes in and the heels out. Inhale and extend the arms to the side, exhale, place the hands onto the hips and bend forward with a straight spine. Don't allow the spine to round here. Spread the toes and gently push down through all four corners of the feet, lift the kneecaps and tilt the tailbone up towards the sky. Tuck the chin in to lengthen the cervical vertebra. Pull the navel in towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles. Hold this posture for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Side Note:
Increases the flexibility of the hamstrings and abductors, inner thigh musculature. Strengthens the ankles, calves, legs, erector spinae and abdominals. Promotes a strong posture and spine. Increases blood flow to the brain and increases energy.