Prone Single Arm Slide on Swiss Exercise Ball with TheraGear® Power Weight Ball
Glutes, Hips, Upper Body
Exercise Description:
Prone Single Arm Slide on Swiss Exercise Ball with TheraGear® Power Weight Ball
Glutes, Hips, Upper Body
Begin in a prone position with the Swiss Exercise Ball supported at the bend of the hip. Maintain a neutral spine by keeping the neck in line with the rest of the lower spine, and engaging the lower abdominal wall by “sucking in” the navel toward the spine. Keep one hand on the floor, one arm straight out to the side from the shoulder holding on to the TheraGear® Power Weight Ball. Arms are at a comfortable yet supportive position below the mid chest region. Please be sure to keep the elbows soft. Maintaining a stable spine, slide the hand to the hip then above the shoulder, maintaining the same plane of movement (imagine sliding the hand along a table). Switch arms.
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