Yoga: Supine abductor stretch with strap

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Supine abductor stretch with strap
Start by lying flat on the back. Place the strap to the arch of the right foot. Hold the strap in the right hand and slowly start to extend the right leg out to the side. Keep both legs straight and the left hip and leg working down towards the floor. Keep the left shoulder, arm and hand connected to the floor. If the hamstrings and abductors are quite tight, you can place a block underneath your right leg to support it. Stay here for 5 to 10 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Side Note:
Increases the flexibility of the hamstrings and calves. Prevents varicose veins. Increases the blood circulation to the brain. Helps to relieve lower back pain. Calms the central nervous system. Deeply stretches the abductor/inner thigh and groin musculature.