Yoga: Kneeling side angle stretch

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Kneeling side angle stretch
Begin in a kneeling position body is upright and toes are tucked under. Place the right hand down onto the floor 10 inches away from the knee. Inhale and extend the left leg out to the side aligning with the right knee and the right hand. Sweep the left arm across the body bringing the bicep towards the ear and look up towards the sky. To make this pose easier, place the foam block underneath the right hand. Tuck the tailbone under and gently push the hips forward allowing the spine to gently arch. Extend the left leg out to the side and reach out through the left arm creating a long line of energy increasing the stretch. The right palm is flat on the floor and the right knee is underneath the right hip. For more advanced, contract the abdominals lift the pelvic floor muscles and inhale lift the left leg up off the floor. Hold the pose for 5 to 10 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Side Note:
Increases the flexibility of the intercostal muscles/the muscles between the ribcage. This helps to increase lung expansion. Increases the flexibility of the quadratus lumborum, erector spina, latissimus dorsi, and obliques. Strengthens the wrists, arms, shoulders, quadriceps, lower back and abdominals. Alleviates fatigue and lower back pain. Improves balance, coordination and focus.