Yoga: Beginner side angle stretch

Exercise Description:
Yoga: Beginner side angle stretch
Begin by bending your right knee until it forms a right angle. Rest your right elbow on the right knee and bring the left arm alongside the left ear with the palm facing down. Turn the left toes at a 45-degree angle. Rotate the left shoulder back and look up towards the sky. Tuck the tailbone under, pull the navel towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles. Keep very little weight on the right elbow and keep opening the chest towards the sky. Don't allow the right knee to collapse in towards the center. Maintain this posture for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Side Note:
Increases the strength of the ankles, thighs, hips and back. Increases the flexibility of the intercostal muscles. Stretches the lateral fibers of the spine. Specifically, the quadratus lumborum. Opens the chest and shoulders and increases lung capacity. Stimulates digestion.