One Leg Bridge Glute Drop Supine on Swiss Exercise Ball with TheraGear® Body Toning Bar
Abdominal Core, Hamstrings, Back, Gluteus Maximus
Exercise Description:
One Leg Bridge Glute Drop Supine on Swiss Exercise Ball with TheraGear® Body Toning Bar
Abdominal Core, Hamstrings, Back, Gluteus Maximus
Place your head and shoulder blades on the TheraGear® Exercise Ball facing supine, feet are flat on the floor, knees are over-top of ankles, knees at a 90-degree angle. Place TheraGear® Body Toning Bar on lower part of stomach. Lift one leg up until leg is parallel to floor, and exhale slowly lower gluteus maximus to floor keeping knee in one line with ankle. Contract the glute, and slowly as you inhale extend your hips toward the ceiling and hold for 2 seconds. Repeat 6 to 10 times.
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