Fitband Cuff Series 3 (Internal and External Rotation with TheraGear® Fitband)

Exercise Description:
Fitband Cuff Series 3 (Internal and External Rotation with TheraGear® Fitband)
Stand with good posture, holding one end of the Fitband in your right hand. Securely attach the other end of the band to a door knob (version 1). Bend the right arm and place the elbow by your side. Put your left hand on your left hip. Begin with the forearm extended away from the body. Slowly internally rotate the shoulder until the forearm is crossed over your mid-section. Complete set and repeat left side. For variation, securely anchor the Fitband under your right foot. Keep right arm bent and lift it to shoulder height. The upper arm and forearm should be parallel to the floor (palm faces down). Externally rotate the shoulder until the palm faces forward. You can also perform the same movement with the Fitband in the right hand but anchored under the left foot and the elbow bent at 45 degrees.
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